There's Botulism in the Cheese

All suspected cases of botulism should be reported to the CDC and your local health department A recent outbreak of botulism in Northern California has been linked to gas station nacho cheese. At the time of writing this, at least 9 people have been hospitalized for this rare disease and one has died. But what is botulism? The History The first reported cases of food-borne botulism were described between 1817 and 1822 by Justinus Kerner. Dr. Kerner described, in detail, a syndrome of descending paralysis that was linked to eating contaminated blood sausage. It is from this link that we got the name botulism, which comes from the Latin word for sausage botulus . The bacterium responsible for botulism, Clostridium botulinum , was first discovered in 1895 by the microbiologist Emile Pierre van Ermengem after an outbreak linked to inadequately cured ham. The toxin was first isolated in 1928 and the toxin's ability to block neuromuscular transmis...